Steelhead Console Settings
Baud rate: 9600 bps
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
No flow control
Login to the device via CLI / Console
Username: admin
Password: password
Give the below command in console:
> enable
# configure terminal
(config) #
configuration jump-start
Below configuration is done for SH physical inline and Virtual - inline deployment
1: hostname? Amnesiac
2: Use DHCP? No
3: Primary IP address?
4: Netmask?
5: Default gateway?
6: Primary DNS server?
7: Domain name?
8: Admin password?
9: SMTP server?
Step 10: Notification
email address?
Step 11: Set
the primary interface speed?
Step 12: Set
the primary interface duplex?
Step 13: Would
you like to activate the in-path configuration? Yes
Step 14: In-Path
IP address?
Step 15: In-Path
Step 16: In-Path
Default Gateway?
Step 17: Set
the in-path: LAN interface speed?
Step 18: Set
the in-path: LAN interface duplex?
Step 19: Set
the in-path: WAN interface speed?
Step 20: Set
the in-path: WAN interface duplex?
To change an answer, enter the step number to return to.
Otherwise hit <enter> to save
changes and exit.
The Steelhead appliance configuration
wizard automatically saves your configuration settings.
For Virtual-inline deployment, below additional configuration to be done through GUI.
Below configuration is must for Steelhead when it is deployed with Interceptor.
Connect to the Steelhead appliance and enter the following commands:
in-path oop enable
steelhead communication enable
steelhead communication multi-interface enable
steelhead name <Interceptor-hostname> main-ip <Interceptor-IP>
Similar commands to be executed in Interceptor as well. We will see those commands under the Interceptor configuration post.