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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Riverbed - Steelhead Replacement procedure

Steelhead Replacement procedure

  • Power-on the RMA appliance and verify whether it boots properly
  • Check the licenses installed in “faulty appliance” and Apply for those licenses (like SSL) for the RMA serial number – procedure provided in a separate post
  • Install the required licenses and Upgrade the software if needed
  • Do the Initial configuration (like management and in-path IP addresses – procedure provided in a separate post)  
  • In a maintenance window, replace the faulty appliance with the RMA appliance

Steelhead Replacement procedure (With Interceptor deployment)

  • In Interceptor based SH deployment, there is no downtime needed to replace SH since it deployed in Virtual in-path (Interceptor can be configured to “pause” connections to the faulty appliance)
  • Follow all the above procedure
  • SH and Interceptor to be integrated and this should be configured separately as shown below (not covered as part of Initial configuration)

steelhead communication multi-interface enable                       (needed for in-path interfaces in Port-channel)

  • Check the IC status whether the SH is in “connected” state as shown below

Riverbed - Steelhead Software Upgrade Procedure

Upgrade procedure for Riverbed Steelhead appliance using CMC

Below screenshots explain the software upgrade procedure using Riverbed CMC appliance. The upgrade can also be done directly in the steelhead / Interceptor appliance and it is pretty straight forward like uploading the software and Upgrade directly.

 In CMC, Go to Manage > Configure Upgrades

Add the new software to CMC software repository

To upgrade an appliance

  • In CMC, Go to Manage > Appliances > Appliance Operations>
  • Select the specific “image” to be upgraded in the “For 64-bit Applications” – “From the Library”
  • Choose “Upgrade now” and Reboot options
  • Select the Checkbox of the specific  Appliance to push the configuration
  • Click “Push”